We help companies and research teams in the development of new technologies and improvement of the existing ones.
We cooperate with scientists from research centres based in Poznan and exploit scientific discoveries in industrial practice.
We are characterised by a wide range of research capabilities:
- development of basic technological assumptions for the synthesis of chemicals and biochemicals,
- balancing and scaling of chemical processes,
- development of methodology for isolation and purification of synthesis products,
- optimisation of chemical and biotechnological processes,
- determination of possible recycling or disposal of process waste,
- compilation of environmental instructions for a process design.
The board of experts, who can use unique research equipment, is able to provide a technological solution improving the product or the manufacturing method for customers from various lines of business (food industry, cosmetics, chemical industry, etc.). Each solution is developed individually, in a close cooperation with the employer.
Comprehensiveness of the service is ensured by specialised laboratories for chemical, biotechnological, process in supercritical CO2, photovoltaics and bioremediation work as well as the support for laboratories located at the Poznan Science and Technology Park (Chemical Technologies Incubator, Waste-Klaster research laboratory, Poznan Radiocarbon Laboratory).